The Pinery
The Pinery
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Congratulations, this certificate entitles the bearer to golf for FOUR players including 18-hole guest & cart fees, and usage of the practice facilities before play at The Pinery Country Club. The certificate is only valid for play on Tuesday – Thursday after 11:00 a.m. Certificate can be redeemed up to a year beyond its expiration date (6/30/25) at which point all players will pay cart fees.
A note from Colorado PGA: Thank you for bidding in our online auction. We appreciate your support! The Colorado Golf Hall of Fame's Tournament benefits the Golf History of Colorado Foundation and supports the operations of the Colorado Golf Hall of Fame. Founded in 1973, the Colorado Golf Hall of Fame honors men and women who have made a profound impact on Colorado golf. It also promotes the future of the game while recognizing achievement and preserving Colorado’s golf history. In 2023, a new $1.7 million Hall of Fame was unveiled at The Broadmoor Golf Club. If you live in Colorado and love golf, you've got to go!
Item delivery: After you have paid for any auction items that you won, the event organizer will contact you to coordinate delivery. If you have any questions, please reach out to:
Erinn Lopez
Director of Business Development and Strategic Partnerships